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. 2021 Apr 19;11:8445. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-87835-2

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Color information contributes to large-field visual motion-induced eye movements of semi-intact preparations of Xenopus tadpoles. (A) Representative movements of the left (le) and right (ri) eye (position, black traces) evoked by alternating motion of a red-blue vertical striped pattern at constant velocity (± 10°/s; red trace). (B) Typical examples of eye movements in a given preparation (position, black traces) evoked by alternating motion of a black–white, black–blue, black–red and red–blue vertical striped pattern (see color-code) at constant velocity (± 10°/s; red traces). (C) Individual (grey traces) and averaged (black trace; n = 34) normalized OKR amplitudes evoked by a red-blue vertical striped motion pattern as function of the radiance of the red stripes; the inset illustrates a typical example of residual eye movements at the POE. (D) Bar plot depicting the response amplitude evoked by chromatic stimuli (CR) at the POE, determined individually for each animal, and control baseline amplitude (Grey). **, p < 0.01 (paired t-test). Figure assembled with Affinity Designer (version 1.8.3).