Follow-up compounds based on hotspot fragments. (A) Ligand view
of superimposed fragment structures at the binding hotspot. Fragment 3 from the upper cluster is shown as sticks, and fragments 7–10 from the lower cluster are shown
as lines. (B) Chemical structures and chemical IDs of follow-up compounds 11–13. (C) Concentration–response
curves for compounds 11 (blue), 12 (green),
and 13 (purple) as measured in the Kinase-Glo assay (dark
shades) and the Amplex Red assay (light shades). (D) Least-squares
nonlinear fit of GALK1 reaction rate (total ATP consumed after 1 h
reaction, μM) against increasing galactose concentrations (0–250
μM) in the presence of different concentrations of 12 (0–2 mM). Curves were fitted to a noncompetitive inhibition
model, the best fitting enzyme kinetics–inhibition equation,
in GraphPad Prism. Inset: Close-up view of plot showing GALK1 reaction
rate (total ATP consumed after 1 h reaction, μM) against increasing
galactose concentrations (0–10 μM) in the presence of
different concentrations of 12 (0–2 mM), as determined
in the Kinase-Glo assay. (E) Least-squares nonlinear fit of GALK1
reaction rate (total galactose consumed after 1 h reaction, μM)
against increasing ATP concentrations (0–250 μM) in the
presence of different concentrations of 12 (0–2
mM). Curves were fitted to noncompetitive inhibition model, the best
fitting enzyme kinetics–inhibition equation, in GraphPad Prism.
Inset: Close-up view of plot showing GALK1 reaction rate (total galactose
consumed after 1 h reaction, μM) against increasing ATP concentrations
(0–10 μM) in the presence of different concentrations
of 12 (0–2 mM), as determined in the Amplex Red
assay. (F) Bar chart comparing % inhibition of hGALK1 (blue), hGALK2
(orange), and hMVK (gray) by 5 mM of fragment 3 or 1
mM of 11–13.