Figure 4.
PqsE E182 and PqsE S285 are required for binding to BB391 but not BB393. First-derivative plots (dF/dT is defined as the change in SYPRO Orange fluorescence divided by the change in temperature) of melting curves for (a) WT PqsE, (b) PqsE S160A, (c) PqsE E182A, and (d) PqsE S285A in the presence of 5% DMSO (black solid lines), 100 μM C1 (black dashed lines), 100 μM BB391 (pink lines), and 100 μM BB393 (blue lines). In all cases, PqsE protein was at 5 μM. The peak of each curve is defined as the Tm. (e) BB391 and (f) BB393 esterase inhibition dose–response curves for the designated PqsE proteins. PqsE proteins and MU-butyrate were used at concentrations of 200 nM and 2 μM, respectively. Two independent experiments were performed in triplicate. Error bars represent standard deviations.