Figure 6.
Combined effects of support porosity and chemical promotion on the selectivity to liquid olefins. Evolution of (a) the olefin-to-paraffin molar ratio with the carbon chain-length for C3–10 hydrocarbon products and; (b) the olefin molar abundance within the C5–10 liquid products with the average support pore diameter, obtained with various cobalt-based FT catalysts supported on unimodal mesoporous or multimodal meso-macroporous γ-Al2O3 carriers of varying pore diameters either in their unpromoted form (open symbols and dotted lines) or promoted with PrOx (1.0 Prat nm2) (closed symbols and solid lines). In panel (b), catalysts to the right of the x-axis interrupt show a multimodal pore architecture with both meso- and macropores and thus no specific average pore diameter has been assigned. Reaction conditions: T = 473 K, P = 20 bar, H2/CO = 2, WHSV = 5.5–33.0 h–1, CO conversion = 20 ± 3%. The gray-shaded area on panel (b) illustrates the increase in olefinicity for the C5–10 liquid FT products due to the incorporation of PrOx as promoter.