Figure 1. Similarity in predicted brain age in healthy individuals in the HCP and Cam-CAN samples across algorithms.
(A) HCP: Similarity matrix representing between-algorithm correlations of individual predicted brain-ages in healthy individuals; (B) HCP: Distance matrix and dendrogram resulting from hierarchical clustering of the individual brain-age results of the six algorithms; (C) Cam-CAN: Similarity matrix representing between-algorithm correlations of individual predicted brain-ages in healthy individuals; (D) Cam-CAN: Distance matrix and dendrogram resulting from hierarchical clustering of the individual brain-age results of the six algorithms. OLS: Ordinary least squares regression; Lasso: Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; SVR: Support vector regression; RVR: Relevance vector regression; HCP: Human Connectome Project; Cam-CAN: Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience Project.