Funding Year | URM Statusa | Discipline/Campus | Project Title | Amount |
1 | F, H | Education/main | Shifting narratives for behavioral health justice | $11,250 |
1 | Education/main | Hurt people hurt people: Utilizing ethnic studies to heal student trauma by addressing the mind, the body and the spirit | $21,765 | |
1 | H | Education/main | UndocuResearch: Mental health among undocumented and mixed status families of New Mexico | $29,925 |
2 | F, H | Medicine/health sciences | Development of a multilevel intervention framework to reduce disparities in unintended teen pregnancy among Hispanic adolescents | $50,000 |
2 | F | Anthropology/health sciences | Designing a culturally appropriate group navigation model to improve mental and emotional health equity for Spanish-speaking Latina women | $50,000 |
2 | F, H | Psychology/main | Providing expanded continuous labor support to pregnant women in New Mexico with substance use disorders | $50,000 |
2 | NA | Education/main | Exploring solutions that address the mental health impact of fracking in Diné communities | $50,000 |
2 | F, H | Political Science/main | Adapting evidence-based knowledge to reduce suicide risk factors in rural communities | $50,000 |
3 | F | Speech and hearing sciences/main | Training early intervention providers to teach naturalistic intervention strategies to parents of children with or at risk for autism spectrum disorder | $49,762 |
3 | SMb | Nursing/health sciences | Utilizing gender minority perspectives to describe and operationalize affirming behavioral health outcomes of peer-led support groups for gender minorities in New Mexico | $49,466 |
NOTE: URM = underrepresented minority populations.
URM status: F = female (females are considered underrepresented in science); H = Hispanic; NA = Native American.
SM = sexual minority (sexual and gender minorities [SGM] are not specified as URM by National Institutes of Health).