Fig. 3. Immunological analysis of PGs in hot water extract of salmon cartilage.
Reduced-alkylated proteins (0.2 μg each) were dot-blotted and probed with antibodies to aggrecan G1 domain, G3 domain, or salmon aggrecan EGF-like module. 1, H2O; 2, PG purified from 4 M GdnHCl-extract of salmon nasal cartilage. 3, 4, 5: PG purified from hot water extract of salmon cartilage (pools II, III, IV in Fig. 1B, respectively). Domain structure of salmon cartilage aggrecan core protein (GenBank ID, BAJ61837) is shown in upper bar. G1, globular domain 1; IGD, interglobular domain; G2, globular domain 2; GAG, glycosaminoglycan attachment domain; EGF, EGF-like module; G3, globular domain 3.