(A) Viral replication–suppression
efficacies of different
combinations of simeprevir and remdesivir concentrations. The numbers
after S (simeprevir) and R (remdesivir) indicate the respective drug
concentrations in μM. Data points in all plots represent mean
± S.E.M. For all data points, n = 3 replicates.
(B) Bliss score analyses of synergism. (left) Diagram showing 12 combinations
of simeprevir and remdesivir and their respective percentage inhibition
(% inhibition, color-coded) of SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells
compared to DMSO controls. (right) Excess over Bliss score (ΔBliss,
color-coded) of different drug combinations. A positive and negative
number indicates a likely synergistic and antagonistic effect, respectively,
while a zero value indicates independence of action.