A. Resources for DEI support and awareness |
Building awareness of diverse identities: https://pflag.org/, https://www.racialequitytools.org/home, https://diversity.berkeley.edu/ei‐archive, https://www.complex.com/pop‐culture/the‐best‐black‐movies‐of‐the‐last‐30‐years/, https://www.stemwomen.net/, https://diversity.nih.gov/, https://lgbtq.arizona.edu/resources, https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586‐021‐00022‐1 • Privilege: http://also‐chicago.org/also_site/wp‐content/uploads/2017/03/white‐privilege.pdf, https://edge.psu.edu/workshops/mc/power/index.html • Implicit bias: http://www.eigenfactor.org/gender/, https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2016/03/08/gender‐bias‐in‐academe‐an‐annotated‐bibliography/ • Microaggressions: https://youtu.be/crAv5ttax2I, https://nyti.ms/2wsh0bY, https://youtu.be/BJL2P0JsAS4, https://youtu.be/hDd3bzA7450, https://youtu.be/KPRA4g‐3yEk, https://www.lifescied.org/doi/10.1187/cbe.18‐01‐0011 • Support for underrepresented scientists (also see groups above): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559‐020‐1252‐0, https://www.chronicle.com/article/A‐Survival‐Guide‐for‐Black/249118 • Allyship for nonunderrepresented scientists: https://doi.apa.org/fulltext/2019‐01033‐011.html, https://www.lifescied.org/doi/10.1187/cbe.20‐04‐0062, https://www.wbur.org/artery/2020/06/17/reading‐list‐on‐race‐for‐allies
B. Some of the many groups supporting different facets of DEI in STEM |
A community advocating for black students and professionals in STEM fields (Twitter: @BLACKandSTEM) |
FirstGenDocs |
A group that celebrates the experiences and voices of first‐generation doctoral students and graduates (Twitter: @firstgendocs) |
500 Queer Scientists |
A visibility campaign for the LGBTQ+ STEM community (Twitter: @500QueerSci) |
500 Women Scientists |
A diverse group of women scientists with a commitment to foster real change in DEI (Twitter: @500womensci) |
Black AF in STEM |
A community aiming to showcase the experiences of Black scientists (Twitter: @BlackAFinSTEM) |
Black Women in STEM |
A group that connects black women in STEM fields (Twitter: @BlackWomenSTEM) |
Científico Latino |
A resource for undergraduate and graduate students in STEM (Twitter: @cientificolatin) |
Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) is a minority education and mentoring program of the Ecological Society of America (Twitter: @ESA_SEEDS) |
I’m First! |
An account that celebrates and supports students who are the first in their family to attend and graduate from college (Twitter: @ImFirstGen) |
A group working to improve LGBTQ+ visibility in STEM (Twitter: @LGBTSTEM) |
Me Too STEM |
A group invested in holding science societies accountable for harassment and discrimination (Twitter: @MeTooSTEM) |
SACNAS is professional Society Advancing Native Americans and Chicanos/Hispanics in Science. SACNAS also hosts the National Diversity in STEM Conference each year (Twitter: @sacnas) |
The EEB_POC Project |
A project compiling research papers published by Black, Indigenous, and people of color scientists in Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior (Twitter: @EEB_POC) |
C. Twitter hashtags to search |
#AcademicChatter #BlackintheIvory #BlackandSTEM #firstgendoc #firstgenSTEM #LGBTinSTEM #NativeTwitter #Indigenous #TEK #NativesinSTEM #phdlife #QueerInSTEM #WomenInSTEM |