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. 2021 Mar 31;15(3):e0009193. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009193

Table 2. GRADE table ASM.

6 or 6–12 months compared to 12–24 or 24 months ASM for individuals with SEL NCC Bibliography: [1821]
№ of participants (studies) Follow-up Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publication bias Overall certainty of evidence Study event rates (%) Relative effect (95% CI) Anticipated absolute effects
With 12–24 or 24 months ASM With 6 or 6–12 months ASM Cumulative incidence with 12–24 or 24 months ASM Cumulative incidence difference with 6 or 6–12 months ASM
Seizure recurrence in 6 months compared to 12–24 months ASM for individuals with SEL NCC
360 (3 RCTs) serious a not serious serious b not serious none ⨁⨁◯◯ LOW 21/174 (12.1%) 29/186 (15.6%) CIR 1.29 (0.76 to 2.18) 121 per 1.000 35 more per 1.000 (29 fewer to 142 more)
Seizure recurrence in 6–12 months compared to 24 months ASM for individuals with SEL NCC
279 (2 RCTs) serious a not serious serious b not serious none ⨁⨁◯◯ LOW 16/134 (11.9%) 24/145 (16.6%) CIR 1.34 (0.76 to 2.51) 119 per 1.000 41 more per 1.000 (29 fewer to 180 more)
Seizure recurrence in 6 months compared to 24 months ASM in individuals with SEL NCC, whose cysts had calcified
113 (2 RCTs) serious a not serious not serious not serious none ⨁⨁⨁◯ MODERATE 13/58 (22.4%) 24/55 (43.6%) CIR 2.00 (1.14 to 3.52) 224 per 1.000 224 more per 1.000 (31 more to 565 more)

CI: Confidence interval; CIR: Cumulative incidence ratio


a. Overall high risk of bias of included studies

b. differences in populations