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. 2021 Apr 20;129(4):047012. doi: 10.1289/EHP7804

Figure 1.

Figure 1 is a set of three maps, namely, Ghana, Mali, and Niger, representing toxic metals at concentrations exceeding the applicable drinking water quality by national standard (N S) and or World Health Organization guideline value by metal, country, and source type for lead exceedances, namely, below both national standard and guideline value and exceeding either national standard and or guideline value. For each map, there is a scale depicting kilometers and ranging from 0 to 150 in increments of 75 and 150 to 300 in increments of 150, from 0 to 410 in increments of 205 and 410 and 820 in increments of 410, and from 0 to 340 in increments of 170 and 680 to 340 in increments of 340, respectively.

Maps of TM exceedances by metal, country, and source type for lead exceedances in Ghana, Mali, and Niger. Exceedances are defined as detection of a TM at concentrations exceeding the applicable drinking-water quality national standard (NS) and/or WHO Guideline Value (GV; see Table 1). Note: TM, toxic metal; WHO, World Health Organization.