A) Multiple types of nutrient interactions are possible, including dominance, synergy, and antagonism (
Figure 3A). An interaction occurs when
ε is significantly greater or lower than 0 (one-sided paired t-test, p<0.05 based on 1000 permutations, Materials and methods). Inocula are considered separately, and only cases where N ≥ 3 unique pairs are considered. Synergy (antagonism) occurs when the abundance in the mixture is greater (lower) than the abundances in any of the singles separately. Dominance occurs when the abundance in the mixture is closer or similar to one of the single abundances but not above or below any of the single abundances independently (Materials and methods). (
B) Interaction type by carbon source pair type. AA: mixture of two acids; SS: mixture of two sugars; and SA: mixture of a sugar and an acid. (
C) Interaction type is broken down by the 10 most abundant genera spanning the Enterobacteriaceae family (blue), Pseudomonadaceae (light purple), Moraxellaceae (dark purple), and Rhizobiaceae (orange) families. Note that Enterobacteriaceae.8 is a non-identified genus belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The other genera are grouped together and shown as ‘other’.