MUC16 in pancreatic cancer progression
(A) LCM-RNA-seq analysis of MUC16 in frozen human pancreas tissue sections (PDAC epithelium with IPMN [n = 19], PanIN [n = 26], and primary [n = 197]; and stroma with IPMN [n = 12], PanIN [n = 23], and primary [n = 124]). MUC16 mRNA expression for different samples were quantified by Log2 TPM (transcripts per million). (B) Immunohistochemical analysis of MUC16 in pancreatic tissue microarrays containing normal pancreas (NP, n = 10), early PanIN1 (n = 6), ductal adenocarcinoma (DAC, n = 46), adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC, n = 3), and islet cell tumors (n = 11) using anti-MUC16 antibody (AR9.6). Scale bar, 40 μm. (C) Histoscore analysis of MUC16 expression by IHC. Expression of MUC16 was compared between the early PanIN and other diseased conditions. Data were presented as the median (Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test). (D) Heatmap of IHC analysis of MUC16 expression (OC125, AR9.6, 5B9, and 5E11) in normal pancreatic tissues (n = 7) and RAP primary tumors (n = 61). (E) Representative IHC images of different anti-MUC16 antibodies (OC125, AR9.6, 5B9, and 5E11) stained normal pancreatic tissues and RAP primary tumors. Scale bar, 40 μm. (F) Graphical representation of overall expression of MUC16 (OC125, AR9.6, 5B9, and 5E11) in RAP primary tumors. Data were presented as the median (n = 61) (Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test). (G) Percent expression of MUC16 using different anti-MUC16 antibodies (OC125, AR9.6, 5B9, and 5E11) in RAP tumor samples.