MUC16 in pancreatic tumor metastasis
(A) Heatmap of IHC analysis of MUC16 expression (AR9.6, 5B9, and 5E11) in liver metastasis (n = 46). (B) Heatmap of comparison of MUC16 expression in matched sets of RAP primary tumors and liver mets. Higher intensity of color corresponds to high expression of MUC16 based on immunohistochemical score. (C) Representative images of IHC analysis of MUC16 expression in normal liver tissue and RAP liver mets using MUC16-specific antibodies AR 9.6, 5B9, and 5E11. Scale bar, 40 μm. (D) Percent expression of MUC16 (AR9.6) in RAP tumor tissues of primary tumor alone, liver mets alone, and primary tumor and liver mets together. (E) Survival of RAP cohort patients with high and low MUC16 (AR9.6) expression (Mantel-Cox test). (F) Histoscores of MUC16 (AR9.6) compared between short-term (n = 34) and long-term (n = 32) PDAC survivors. Data were presented as median (unpaired t test). (G) Boxplot of MUC16 expression level stratified by RNA expression dataset from Bailey class, Moffitt class, and Collisson class of PDAC. Boxplots were generated by comparing the expression of MUC16 gene among the subtypes using Mann-Whitney rank-sum test. A p value of less than 0.01 was considered statistically significant.