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. 2021 Mar 21;36(5):1339–1352. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deab040

Table IV.

The nine challenges (number of participants who left a textual response) of planning for multiple cycles of IVF/ICSI and the coded reported solutions.

Challenges Solutions
Ability to afford multiple cycles (n = 155) Saving in advance, using savings, getting into debt (e.g., loans, credit cards, borrowing from family and friends, re-mortgaging), taking another job or extra work, minimise non-essential spending, research to know the true costs of treatment.
Negative physical effect of treatment (n = 143) Take time off work, preparing mentally, practicing self-care
Burden of treatment on relationship (n = 140) Open, honest and/or frequent communication with partner, plan to spend time with partner, engage in fun activities, support and consideration for each other, counselling.
Stressful interactions with staff (n =118) Research which clinic to use, choose the right clinic, increase communication with staff, communicate concerns with staff/clinic, knowing complaints procedure, accept that it is occurring and continue treatment,
Negative effect of treatment on work/daily activities (n =141) Plan in advance, take time off, arrange work around treatment, use flexible working, work from home, seek support from employer, communicate with work colleagues/boss about what treatment will involve, quit job if incompatible with treatment.
Coping with the possibility that the cycle is unsuccessful (n =139) Counselling, support from family and friends, remain positive, hopeful and optimistic about treatment success, being realistic about treatment success from the start, get advice from individuals who have previous experience.
Negative emotional effect of treatment (n =129) Counselling, seeking support from family, friends, partner and support group, remain positive, hopeful and optimistic about treatment success, learn from others, take one thing at a time.
Not knowing how body would react (n =116) Research effects of treatment, know possible side effects, prepare body to be in optimal condition, take treatment one step at a time.
Not knowing chances of pregnancy with another cycle (n =122) Not knowing success is part of the journey, general acceptance that it might not work, ask doctors and research success rates, being realistic from start of treatment, have treatment cut off point.