(A) The mean shell radius as a function of the scaffold length calculated from Brownian dynamics simulations (symbols) and the equilibrium theory (Eq. 1, lines). Results are shown for different shell spontaneous curvature radii: R0 = 4.5(●), 8.0(▲), 22.0(■). Example snapshots of assembled shells are shown to the left, taken from simulations with (I): R0 = 22, Ls = 14, (II): R0 = 8, Ls = 24, (III): R0 = 22, Ls = 34, and (IV): R0 = 8, Ls = 74, (Va,b): R0 = 22, Ls = 64. (B) Dependence of scaffold packaging on scaffold length and shell spontaneous curvature. The scaffold surface density (or ratio of packaged scaffold molecules to shell subunits, σs ≡ nscaf/nshell) is shown for the same parameter values as in (A). In (A) and (B) the length of the middle domain of the scaffolds Lsm is varied, with fixed shell-interacting and cargo-interacting domain lengths Lsh = 7 and Lsc = 7. The lines correspond to numerical minimization of Eq. 1, with respect to and σ, with the scaffold chemical potential as an adjustable parameter set to Δμ = −2.5kBT. Other theory parameters are taken from the simulations: the scaffold bead excluded volume and (with a the subunit area and κ the bending modulus, which was approximately determined in Ref. 47). (C) Dependence of the volume fraction of encapsulated particles (cargo and scaffolds) on the fractional length of cargo-binding domain of scaffolds fsc = Lsc/Ls, for R0 = 22, Ls = 64, and Lsh = 7. Snapshots of the interior of shells assembled at different parameter values are shown on the right: (Va): fsc = 0.11, (VI): fsc = 0.27, (VII): fsc = 0.58. Other parameter values for (A), (B) and (C) are as follows. Shell subunit-subunit affinities: εhh = 3.15 at R0 = 4.5, εhh = 2.85 at R0 = 8.0 and εhh = 2.65 at R0 = 22; scaffold-shell interaction εsh = 2.5, and scaffold-cargo interaction εsc = 1.0.