Figure 2.
IDA-SDDS exhibit faster release kinetics when exposed to 42 °C hyperthermia (HT) compared to DXR-SDDS. (A) TEM photos of empty SDDS (left), IDA-SDDS (middle) and DXR-SDDS (right), show difference in crystal formation after loading (red arrows). IDA-SDDS in vitro time-dependent (B) and temperature-dependent release (C) in full calf serum is compared to DXR-SDDS (n = 3). (D) On-line confocal microscopy images of IDA and DXR uptake by B16BL6 (upper) and BLM (lower) after release from SDDS when exposed for 2 h to 37 °C followed by 1 h at 42°C. Settings: gain = 600, resolution = 512 × 512. Scale bar, 50 µm. (E) Five cells are randomly selected in (D) to track accumulation of IDA or DXR, upon release from SDDS, in tumor cells in time. Data are presented as fluorescent intensity of these 5 cells.