(Ca2+)4-CaM binds the FGF12ALTPand FGF CaMBD biosensors.A, schematic of FGF12A. Folded β-trefoil core is shown as a rectangle, and LTP (green) and CaMBD (limon) are shown as cylinders. The black box indicates the position of the FGF12A LTP. B, steady-state emission spectra of the FGF12ALTP biosensor alone (solid black), in the presence of apo (dashed green) and (Ca2+)4-CaM (solid green). C, equilibrium titration of FGF12ALTP biosensor with (Ca2+)4-CaM (green). D, schematic of an A-type FGF. Folded β-trefoil core is shown as a rectangle, and LTP (green) and CaMBD (limon green) are shown as cylinders. The black box indicates the position of the A-type FGF CaMBD. E–H, steady-state fluorescence spectra of FGF11ACaMBD (E, orange), FGF12ACaMBD (F, purple), FGF13ACaMBD (G, red), FGF14ACaMBD (H, blue) biosensors alone (all shown in solid black), and in the presence of apo (dashed/colored) and (Ca2+)4-CaM (solid/colored). I–L, equilibrium titrations of FGF11ACaMBD (I), FGF12ACaMBD (J), FGF13ACaMBD (K), and FGF14ACaMBD (L) biosensors with (Ca2+)4-CaM. FGF isoforms are colored as in panels E–H.