Equilibrium Ca2+titrations of CaM+FGF12ACaMBDpand CaM+FGF12ANTD. A, equilibrium Ca2+ titrations of sites I and II of CaM alone (black) and in the presence of the FGF12ANTD (teal). B, equilibrium Ca2+ titrations of sites III and IV of CaM alone (black) and in the presence of the FGF12ANTD (pink). C, equilibrium Ca2+ titrations of sites I and II of CaM alone (black) and in the presence of the FGF12ACaMBDp (blue). D, equilibrium Ca2+ titrations of sites III and IV of CaM alone (black) and in the presence of the FGF12ACaMBDp (red). E and F, ΔG of Ca2+ binding to sites I and II (E) in CaM alone (black), +FGF12ANTD (teal) or +FGF12ACaMBDp (blue), and sites III and IV (F) in CaM alone (black), +FGF12ANTD (pink) or +FGF12ACaMBDp (red). G, schematic depicting that the interface is essentially identical between (Ca2+)4-CaM (CaMN/blue, CaMC/red) and the FGF12ACaMBDp (lime green cylinder) or FGF12ANTD (LTP/green cylinder, CaMBD/limon cylinder).