Figure 4.
Identification of genes that affect flagellar length noise
(A) Analysis of candidate genes for effect on noise. Points represent median calculated value of uncorrelated variation. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals for each strain. Dotted blue lines show the 95% confidence interval for uncorrelated variation in wild-type cells. Green and red data markers indicate lf1 and lf4 mutants. All measurements were made using 2D image data to allow a large number of different strains to be measured more rapidly. The uncorrelated variation plotted on the Y axis is a unit-less quantity.
(B) Increased correlated and uncorrelated variation in long flagella mutants. (Green circles) lf1, (red squares) lf4, (gray diamonds) wild type. All data shown are from 3D measurements of flagellar length in cells from asynchronous cultures.
(C) Autocovariance of lf1 (red) and wild type (blue) based on measurements of length fluctuations in living cells, showing higher mean-squared fluctuations (judged by the autocovariance at zero lag) and slower decay for lf mutants. Error bars signify standard error of the mean.