RENOVO-M on VUSs and conflicting variants
(A) RENOVO-M distribution of PLS for VUSs and conflicting variants. Vertical lines represent the thresholds used to define classes: blue lines define HP benign and IP benign classes and red lines HP pathogenic and IP pathogenic.
(B) RENOVO-M classification of VUSs and conflicting variants. Bubble size is proportional to the percentage represented. Blue colors are for HP and IP benign, red for HP and IP pathogenic, and gray for the LP class.
(C) Comparison between RENOVO-M and InterVar classes on VUS ClinVar set: bubble size represents the number of common variants for each RENOVO-M class and InterVar. Colors follow the classification provided by RENOVO: blue shades for HP/IP benign classes, red shades for HP/IP pathogenic, and gray for LP.
(D) Comparison between RENOVO-M and InterVar classes on CIP ClinVar set: bubble size represents the number of common variants for each RENOVO-M class and InterVar. Colors follow the same code described in (C).