Biochemical properties cellular localization of transgelin-2. (A) Biochemical properties of transgelin-2. Transgelin-2 directly binds to F-actin and stabilizes its structure (i) (Kim H.-R. et al., 2018). Transgelin-2 cross-links actin in bundles (ii) (Na et al., 2015; Kim H.-R. et al., 2018). It also acts as a side-binding protein and stabilizes F-actin (ii). This property is important to protect F-actin from cofilin-mediated depolymerization (iii) and to compete with Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin branching (iv) (Kim H.-R. et al., 2018). Transgelin-2 also can polymerize G-actin in low-ionic conditions, in which actin polymerization is prohibited (Kim H.-R. et al., 2018). (B) Localization of transgelin-2 in immune cells. Transgelin-2 is localized at the membrane-protrusive regions of T cells during antigen-recognition on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) (i). It also is located at the distal-supramolecular activation cluster (d-SMAC) area in mature immune synapse (ii). In professional phagocytes, this protein is enriched at the phagocytic cup or phagocytic synapse (iii). In dynamically moving cells, transgelin-2 localizes at the filopodial tips and podosomes (iv).