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. 2021 Apr 8;12:595536. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.600070


Search string development: concepts shaping this review and corresponding PEO elements.

Search string Corresponding PEO elements
TI (‘art therap*’ OR ‘art psychotherap*’ OR ‘arts *therap*’ OR ‘creative *therap*’ OR ‘expressive *therap*’). E(a): Exposure (intervention): art therapy
AND TI (digital OR online OR technolog* OR remote OR internet OR mobile OR computer OR audio OR virtual OR video OR augmented OR tele* OR *game OR app* OR SMS OR text OR smart OR skype OR distance OR iPad OR tablet). E(b): Exposure (intervention modification/adaptation): digital technology
AND TX (outcome OR improv* OR increas* OR decreas* OR chang* OR evaluati* OR service* OR intervention OR measur* OR assess* OR effective* OR efficacy OR evidenc* OR impact OR result OR finding OR explor* OR experienc* OR stud* OR pilot OR qualitative OR account OR clinical OR case). O: Outcomes/methodology: any empirical research
AND TX (health OR ill* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR ‘well-being’ OR mood OR emotion OR ‘quality of life’ OR relationship OR connect* OR social OR esteem OR psych* OR recover* OR mental OR treat*) P: Population: any client population

*Represents truncation.