TFE3 ameliorates ROS-induced lysosomal malfunction and downregulates pyroptosis in random skin flaps. (A,E) Immunofluorescence exhibiting the nuclear translocation of TFE3 (red) (scale bar: 25 mm). (B,F) Percentage of TFE3-positive cells. (C,G) Western blot exhibited cytoplasmic TFE3 and nuclear TFE3. (D,H) Quantification of cytoplasmic and nuclear TFE3 proteins immunoblots. (I) ELISA of 8-OHdG, AOPP, and MDA in flap tissue from WT, TFE3 KI, TFE3 KI + scramble and TFE3 KI + TFE3 shRNA groups. (J,N) Western blotting of the lysosome function-related proteins CTSD, LAMP2, CTSB, and CTSL in total protein and cytoplasmic protein. (K,O) Densitometric analysis of CTSD, LAMP2, CTSB, and CTSL. (L) Immunofluorescence for LAMP2 in skin flaps (scale bar: 25 mm). (M) The fluorescence intensity for LAMP2. (N) Western blotting of VEGF, cadheirn-5, SOD1, and HO-1 in flap tissue from WT, TFE3 KI, and TFE3 KI + scramble and TFE3 KI + TFE3 shRNA groups. (O) Densitometric analysis of VEGF, cadherin-5, SOD1, and HO-1. (P) Western blotting of the pyroptosis related proteins. (Q) Quantification of pyroptosis related proteins immunoblots. Values are shown as the mean ± SEM, n = 6 per group. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01, vs. WT group or area I group. #p < 0.05 and ##p < 0.01, vs. TFE3 KI + TFE3 shRNA group.