Steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics of TkoAGOG. A, A 60-nt, 5’-FAM (blue), 3’-ROX (red) labeled dsDNA substrate with a centralized 8oxoG was incubated with TkoAGOG at 65 °C and quenched with NaOH + SDS allowing for visualization. B, The conversion of the 60-nt substrate to the 36-nt 3’-ROX product by TkoAGOG over time. C, A representative graph of a TkoAGOG steady-state multiple turnover experiment ([DNA] > > [TkoAGOG]). The amount of product formed was calculated using the 3’-ROX labeled fragment, and data was fit to a linear line. D, A representative graph of a TkoAGOG pre-steady-state single turnover experiment ([TkoAGOG] > > [DNA]). The product formed was calculated using 3’-ROX labeled fragment, and data was fit to Eq. (1).