Figure 2.
Plasma tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases‐1 (TIMP‐1) levels correlate with parameters of liver functionality in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Correlation of plasma TIMP‐1 levels with serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) (A, n = 57), ferritin (B, n = 45), gamma‐glutamyl transferase (GGT) (C, n = 77), albumin (D, n = 71), or total protein (E, n = 71) of CRC patients. Due to absence of normal distribution, Spearman correlation was employed. Positive (A–C)/negative (D, E) Spearman correlation coefficients Ps indicate a positive/negative correlation. Benjamini–Hochberg critical values (BHcv) were derived from Supporting Information, Table S2.