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. 2021 Apr 21;6(4):e004698. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004698

Table 3.

Categorisation of the domains of D&A extracted from included quantitative studies based on existing typologies

Domains as extracted from article Domains categorised based on D&A typology* Domains categorised based on MDC typology†
Experiencing physical violence during delivery‡§ Physical abuse Physical abuse
Experiencing verbal violence during delivery§ Non-dignified care Verbal abuse
Receiving undesired procedures§ Failure to meet professional standards of care
Being denied care§
Experiencing neglect during delivery‡
Perceiving that staff does not provide high quality services¶
Not being offered choice of birth position** Poor Rapport between women and providers
Not being offered or not having a companion at labour or/and delivery**‡ Abandonment of care
Not being offered or not having a companion during post partum‡
No rooming-in‡
Perceiving that staff does not ensure patients’ privacy¶ Non-confidential care Health systems conditions and constraints
Perceiving facility not to have good cleanliness¶** Non-apply
Receiving any type of mistreatment**§ Receiving any type of D&A **§ Receiving any type of mistreatment**§

*Source: Browser and Hill.3

†Source: Bohren et al.4

‡Bandeira de Sà et al.52

§Silveira et al.53

¶Creanga et al.51

**Bishanga et al.50

D&A, disrespect and abuse; MDC, mistreatment during childbirth.