Fig 2. MeQTLs associated with SS DMR methylation M-values.
(A) SNP rs9275224 is a meQTL associated with average M-value of the DMR at genetic positions 32,810,706–32,810,742 (GRCh37) on chromosome 6. See S3 Table for the remaining meQTL-DMR pairs. (B) Density plot of associated and unassociated SNP-DMR pairs by absolute distance. The significance criteria for association is having a Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value (p) ≤ 0.05. While distance is approximately uniformly distributed for unassociated SNP-DMR pairs, the distances of associated SNP-DMR pairs is concentrated around 153 kb. (C) MHC region spanning the HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, and HLA-DQA2 loci with high density of the meQTL-DMR pairs. Each DMR is specified by its chromosome, starting position, and ending position, in GRCh37 genetic coordinates.