(a–c) Expression fold-change vs. predicted TF binding fold-change for each sequence. Positive scores represent increased binding in the modern sequence. Parentheses show number of points in each quadrant with a score difference >0. (
d) Pearson’s correlation between differential expression and predicted differential binding affinity. Only significant TFs (false discovery rate [FDR] ≤0.05,
Supplementary file 3) are shown for osteoblasts (yellow) and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) (red). (
e) Expression fold-change vs. predicted TF binding fold-change for ZNF281 in NPCs. Pearson’s
r and p-value are shown. (
f) Enriched Gene Ontology terms for embryonic stem cells (ESCs) (blue), osteoblasts (yellow), and NPCs (red). (
g) Expression fold-change of differentially active sequences compared to the
cis-regulatory expression fold-change between human and chimpanzee of genes associated with these sequences.
cis-regulatory expression changes were taken from hybrid human-chimpanzee induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (
Gokhman et al., 2021). (
h) RT-qPCR validation of NPCs at passage 1 (pink) and passage 10 (red). Expression levels are normalized to
HPRT expression.