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. 2021 Apr 9;12:661132. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.661132


Summary of categorical data used for the two pathosystems analyzed: A. flavus-maize and F. verticilloides-maize.

Variable N. of categories Categorical value Integer encoding
Maize hybrid FAO class 4 200–300 1
400 2
500 3
600–700 4
Preceding crop 3 arable crops 1
small grain 2
maize 3
Sowing week* 4 10–12 1
13–14 2
15–16 3
17+ 4
Harvest week* 4 32–35 1
36–37 2
38–39 3
40+ 4
Severity of ECB attack 3 No/Minor-damage 1
Medium damage 2
Severe damage 3

Variables (hybrid FAO classes, preceding crop, and sowing and harvest weeks of the year (Julian date) and European corn borer [ECB] damage) and numbers of utilized categories are reported. *nth week of the year.