Human fetal astrocytes are more efficiently infected with Zika virus and release more progeny virus than neurons. (A) Micrographs show the internalized fluorescently labeled Brazilian Zika virus (ZIKV) strain in astrocytes and neurons. Prior to infection, Zika virus were labeled by lipophilic Vybrant DiD dye [ZIKA (DiD)], and 36 h post-infection (p.i.), cells were immunolabeled with serum from a patient infected with ZIKV (infected in Brazil in 2016). Overlay panels show remarkable co-localization between vesicular structures with fluorescently labeled ZIKV and anti-ZIKV antibodies from the patient’s serum. The cell boundaries of individual astrocytes and neurons are delineated. Note that the number of Zika particles is significantly higher in astrocytes compared to neurons. (B) The graphs represent plaque assay measurements of infectious virus particles in the supernatants at different times p.i. of three ZIKV strains [Brazil 2016 (Brazil), French Polynesia 2013 (FP), and Uganda #976 1947 (Uganda)]. The production trend of infectious virus particles in astrocytes is higher than that in neurons for all three strains. In both astrocytes and neurons, infectious ZIKV-FP virus particles exhibited the lowest concentrations. At 12 h p.i., the supernatant did not contain countable plaques of ZIKV-FP viral particles. (C) A schematic representation depicting higher production and release of progeny ZIKV virus (pink dots) in astrocytes compared to neurons. Modified from Jorgačevski et al. (2019) with permission.