Table 4.
Significantly enriched pathway (FDR = 0.05) of DEGs identified in adrenal glands.
Pathway | Number* | FDR |
CT vs. H30 | ||
Circadian rhythm | 5 | 7.69E−03 |
Amphetamine addiction | 6 | 2.26E−02 |
Dopaminergic synapse | 8 | 2.26E−02 |
Cocaine addiction | 5 | 2.26E−02 |
Ribosome | 8 | 4.56E−02 |
Tyrosine metabolism | 4 | 4.56E−02 |
Protein digestion and absorption | 6 | 4.56E−02 |
Steroid biosynthesis | 3 | 4.98E−02 |
CT vs. H60 | ||
Circadian rhythm | 7 | 7.25E−03 |
Transcriptional misregulation in cancers | 17 | 7.54E−03 |
TNF signaling pathway | 12 | 1.41E−02 |
Prostate cancer | 11 | 1.41E−02 |
FoxO signaling pathway | 12 | 2.83E−02 |
Antigen processing and presentation | 9 | 2.83E−02 |
Protein digestion and absorption | 10 | 2.83E−02 |
Relax in signaling pathway | 12 | 3.02E−02 |
Amphetamine addiction | 8 | 3.06E−02 |
Ferroptosis | 6 | 3.96E−02 |
Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum | 13 | 3.96E−02 |
Number of genes enriched in the pathway. DEGs, differentially expressed genes; FDR, false discovery rate. CT means rats were kept at 22 ± 1°C and relative humidity of 50%; H30, H60, and H120 mean rats were housed at 42°C for 30, 60, and 120 min and relative humidity of 50%, respectively. Pathway colored with light orange means these pathways were shared by two comparisons. Noncolored pathway means these pathways were treatment-specific enriched. Red words indicate the pathway was commonly enriched by genes identified in blood, liver, and adrenal gland tissues; green words indicate the pathway was commonly enriched by genes identified in liver and adrenal gland tissues; black words indicate the pathway was specifically enriched in adrenal glands.