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. 2021 Apr 23;21(Suppl 1):1480. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09522-7

Table 1.

General characteristics of women undergoing ART (N = 60)

Socio-demographic Data (N = 60) Health Status and Lifestyle (N = 60) Reproduction (N = 60) Medical records by IVF/ICSI (N = 45)
Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) Indication (Self-report) N (%) Indication
Mean (SD) 34.6 (±5.2) Mean (SD) 24.2 (±4.9) Female 26 (43.3) Poor semen quality 11 (24.4%)
Education Underweight (< 18.5) 5 (8.3%) Male 4 (6.7) Fallopian tube 11 (24.4%)
2003Low 6 (10.0%) Normal weight (18.5–24.9) 37 (61.7%) Dual 14 (23.3) Endometriosis 7 (15.6%)
Intermediate 18 (30.0%) Overweight (25–29.9) 7 (11.7%) Undefined 13 (21.7) Other female 4 (8.9%)
High 36 (60.0%) Obesity (> 30) 11 (18.3%) Diagnosis in progress 3 (5.0) Unexplained 12 (25.6%)
Marital status (N = 44) Self-Rated Physical Health Type of ART Treatment Procedures
Married 47 (78.3%) Poor 0 IVF/ICSI 50 (82.3) Cycle 1 11 (24.4%)
Partner 13 (21.7%) Fair 1 (1.7%) IUI 1 (2.1) Cycle 2 16 (35.6%)
Place of residence Neither good nor bad 13 (21.7%) OI 2 (4.2) Cycle 3 12 (26.7)
County seat 18 (30.0%) Good 37 (61.7%) HSG 2 (4.2) Cycle 4 6 (13.3%)
City 27 (45.0%) Excellent 9 (15.0%) Examination in progress 5 (31.1) Serum oestradiol - pmol/l 1692 ± 2073
Village 15 (25.0%) Healthy Diet Child-wish (months) Mean ± SD Progesterone - nmol/l 30.42 ± 21.29
Income Pay attention 56 (93.3%) Mean (SD) 59.0 ± 38.4 FSHa - IU 2493 ± 2925
Low 2 (3.3%) Not really / No attention 4 (6.7%) Relationship (years) Gonadotropina - IU 0.86 ± 0.19
Medium 34 (56.6%) Tobacco Use Mean (SD) 7.6 ± 3.8 No. of oocytes 7.87 ± 4.96
High 24 (40.0%) Occasional 2 (3.3%) Gravidity (N = 45) N (%) No. of matured oocytesb 5.44 ± 3.93
Non-Smoker 58 (96.7%) Nulligravid 25 (55.6) No. of Grade 1 embryos 3.31 ± 2.98
Exercise Multigravid 20 (44.4) No of transferred embryos 1.46 ± 0.84
Regularly 4–7 days weekly 6 (10.0%) Parity(N = 45) hCG on day 12 - IU 364.9 ± 912.3
Regularly1–3 days weekly 24 (40.0%) Nulliparous 38 (84.4) Chemical pregnancies 22 (48.89%)
Not 30 (50.0) Multiparous 7 (15.6) Clinical pregnancies 13 (28.9%)

ART Assisted Reproductive Therapy, BMI Body Mass Index, HSG Hysterosalpingogram, ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, IUI Intrauterine Insemination, IVF In-Vitro Fertilization, OI Ovulation Induction, a: Total dose administrated, b Metaphase II).