(A) N: nasion, the anterior-most point of the frontonasal suture; S: sella turcica, the estimated centre of the hypophyseal fossa; Or: orbitale, the deepest point on the infraorbital margin; Po: porion, the upper margin of the ear canal; Ba: basion, the anterior-most margin of the foramen magnum; Cd; condylion, the most supradorsal point of the condylar head; Ar: articulare, the intersection between the external contour of the cranial base and dorsal contour of the condylar head and neck; Ptm: pterygomaxillary fissure, the inferior point of the fissure; PNS: posterior nasal spine; ANS: anterior nasal spine; A: subspinale, the deepest point on the premaxilla between the ANS and prosthion in the midline; U1 (Is) and U1a : upper incisor constructed between the incisal tip of the anterior-most deciduous maxillary central incisor and its apex; Mo: mid-point of the deciduous maxillary second molar; L1 (Ii) and L1a: lower incisor constructed between the incisal tip of the most anterior deciduous mandibular central incisor and its apex; Pog: pogonion, the anterior-most point of the bony chin; B: supramentale, the posterior-most point in the concavity between the infradentale and Pog; Me: menton, the lowest point on the symphyseal shadow; Gn: gnathion, the point on the chin determined by bisecting the angle formed by the facial plane and mandibular plane; Go: gonion, the intersection between the ramus plane and the mandibular plane; A’: intersection of a perpendicular drawn from point A to the palatal plane; Ptm’: intersection of a perpendicular line from the Ptm to the palatal plane; S’: intersection of the perpendicular drawn from S to the palatal plane; palatal plane: the square dotted line; mandibular plane: the dashed line (B) U1 (Is): upper incisor constructed between the incisal tip of the most anteriorly placed deciduous maxillary central incisor; Is’: intersection of the perpendicular drawn from Is to the palatal plane; L1 (Ii): lower incisor constructed between the incisal tip of the most anteriorly placed deciduous mandibular central incisor; Ii’: intersection of the perpendicular drawn from Ii to the palatal plane; Mo: mid-point of the deciduous maxillary second molar; Ms’: intersection of the perpendicular drawn from Mo to the palatal plane; Mi’: intersection of the perpendicular drawn from Mo to the mandibular plane; palatal plane: the square dotted line; mandibular plane: the dashed line.