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. 2021 Mar 24;13(4):440. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13040440

Table 3.

The correlation coefficients (r) obtained for the linear correlation between experimental RM0 values calculated according to equations: RM0(1) = b + a RM0(2) in methanol/water system (white area) and in acetone/water system (grey area); RM0 = b + a logPcalc in methanol/water system (white area) and in acetone/water system (grey area); as well as logPcalc(1) = b + a logPcalc(2) (italic), respectively.

RP-18 RP-8 RP-2 CN DIOL NH2 AlogPs ChemAxon XlogP3 AC_logP ALOGP MLOGP XLOGP2
RP-18 - 0.9631 0.9434 0.9689 0.0818 0.6500 0.7089 0.7665 0.4854 0.4854 0.9213 0.8382 0.7306
RP-8 0.8375 - 0.8703 0.9726 0.0394 0.5023 0.5714 0.5869 0.3986 0.3784 0.8032 0.6948 0.5942
RP-2 0.8794 0.8699 - 0.8893 0.0746 0.5980 0.7392 0.7973 0.4559 0.5762 0.9077 0.8984 0.7086
CN 0.8997 0.8994 0.9630 - 0.1266 0.5561 0.6043 0.6724 0.3788 0.4065 0.8280 0.7388 0.6479
DIOL 0.2770 0.3095 0.0556 0.1695 - 0.1447 0.3048 0.2402 0.3588 0.2904 0.2141 0.1863 0.4908
NH2 0.5601 0.4639 0.4055 0.5266 0.1358 - 0.6676 0.8358 0.5566 0.5857 0.7615 0.6817 0.5766
AlogPs 0.7169 0.5315 0.4441 0.5232 0.3934 0.6523 - 0.9003 0.6258 0.6955 0.8989 0.9251 0.8431
ChemAxon 0.7841 0.4891 0.5198 0.5761 0.1759 0.7094 0.9003 - 0.6123 0.7264 0.9136 0.9183 0.7771
XlogP3 0.5156 0.3085 0.2234 0.5761 0.2741 0.5335 0.6258 0.6123 - 0.7958 0.6207 0.6492 0.4777
AC_logP 0.4854 0.3533 0.2585 0.3990 0.5422 0.4203 0.6955 0.7264 0.7958 - 0.7265 0.7208 0.5940
ALOGP 0.5848 0.6952 0.7237 0.7930 0.2895 0.6763 0.8989 0.9136 0.6207 0.7265 - 0.9562 0.8678
MLOGP 0.8658 0.6201 0.6163 0.6518 0.3106 0.5629 0.9251 0.9183 0.6492 0.7208 0.9562 - 0.8583
XLOGP2 0.7635 0.5438 0.5022 0.6344 0.4998 0.4966 0.8431 0.7771 0.4777 0.5940 0.8678 0.8583 -