Fig 2. Validity, inter- and intra-unit reliability of maximal acceleration (amax; A) and maximal speed (vmax; B).
Mean percentage bias (MPB; relative bias of the GPS and LPM devices compared to the laser) of amax and vmax of 7 different team sport-specific actions indicates the validity of amax and vmax. The first whisker of each subcategory within the black and grey squares is the between-device SD of the percentage biases of amax and vmax, and represents the inter-unit reliability of amax and vmax. The second whisker is the within-device SD of the percentage biases of amax and vmax, and represents the intra-unit reliability of amax and vmax. The third whisker of each subcategory is the combination of the between- and within-device SD of the percentage biases of amax and vmax, which indicates the inter- and intra-unit reliability of amax and vmax. If a GPS or LPM device is randomly chosen for repeated measures, the third whisker illustrates the percentage measurement error.