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. 2021 Apr 23;16(4):e0250046. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250046

Table 4. Systematic description of the surgical procedures concerning the main sites of endometriosis in the 22 women who were not considered responders for deep dyspareunia.

Case Tube Ovary Uterus Round Bladder Uret Param Nerve UsLig Vag Rcerv RvSept Bowel Barr Length
(L/R) (L/R) Lig (L/R) (L/R) (min)
1 S/S F/PexF Ht /X LR H N.A. X F 105
2 P/B F/F MAS R /Xd LR H X C 200
3 P/B CF/F PLig L P LR Xd/Xd Hn/ LR X X X Shav C 102
4 P/P DF/DF Fb L Xd/ Hn/ LR V X X C 117
5 B/P F/EPF M Xd/ LR X X0 Ap+Seg F 185
6 S/S F/F Ht LR Sut Xd/X Hn/ LR V N.A. X Seg F 281
7 BH/P F/F MSLig X/Xd LR H X X C 147
8 P/P MAS X/X LR X C 164
9 B/P /D MP LR 60
10 P/P F/F P X/Xd LR X X Disc F 122
11 P/P /F LR V X F 56
12 P/B Xd/Xd N/Hp LR X C 99
13 N.A. PexF/ N.A. LR H N.A. X C 75
14 S/S /CF Ht LR /X LR H N.A. C 112
15 P/P F/F A LR Xd/Xd LR H X X Shav C 129
“de novo”
16 P/B Lig/ MSLig LR LR X C 91
17 N/H EPF/EPF R X/ LR H X X Ap C 126
18 S/N TF/ ASLig LR LR H X F 124
19 S/S N.A. R /X R H N.A. C 85
20 S/S Ht LR H N.A. X F 83
21 P/P EPF/EPF A L P L Xd/X N/Hn LR X X X DDisc F 249
22 S/S F/F MS LR LR X/X Hn/ LR X X 176

Nonresponders: NRS changed by less than 3 points. Paradoxical response: NRS ↑ by 3 points or more. “de novo” dyspareunia: NRS prior to surgery = 0 and NRS ↑ by 3 points or more. L/R: Left/Right. X: endometriotic nodule excision. Tube: P pervious or B blocked at chromopertubation; S salpingectomy; H hydrosalpinx; N.A. not applicable (previous salpingectomy). Ovary: T oophorectomy; P oophoroplasty; D drilling; C simple cyst; E endometrioma; Pex oophoropexy; Lig ligation of the ovarian veins; F presence of endometriosis in the peritoneum of the ovarian fossa. Uterus: Ht total hysterectomy, M myomectomy, A adenomyomectomy; Lig permanent uterine arteries ligation; P hysteroscopic polypectomy; S suture; N.A. not applicable (previous hysterectomy). Round Lig: Round ligament. Bladder: Sut partial cystectomy and intracorporeal suturing; P superficial nodule infiltrating bladder peritoneum “shaving”; Fb foreign body on the vesicouterine septum (retained suture material). Uret means ureterolysis (systematic procedure aimed at exposing the ureter in order to free it from external pressure or adhesions or to avoid injury to it during surgery). Param (Parametrium): Xd means deeper resection, below the ureter (paracolpium). Nerve (excision of endometriosis nodule infiltrating nerve): Hn hypogastric nerve; Hp inferior hypogastric plexus. UsLig: Uterosacral ligament. Vag (Vagina): H horizontal colporrhaphy; V vertical colporrhaphy; X endometriotic nodule excision only (no suture required). Rcerv (Retrocervical area): N.A. not applicable because it was excised with the uterus with or without endometriotic nodule (cases 13 and 19 had previous hysterectomy). RvSept (Rectovaginal septum): X0 means dissected, but without endometriosis. Bowel: Ap appendicectomy; Seg segmental; Shav shaving; Disc discoid; DDisc double discoid resection. Barr (Barrier agents for adhesion prevention): F fibrin sealant (human); C carboxymethylcellulose. Length: Duration of pneumoperitoneum.