Fear conditioning. (A) Representative scheme of the experimental design. Habituation to the context for 10 min on 2 consecutive days. Then, in the conditioning session, the tone (CS) was paired with 0.5-mA foot shock. Tone test: exposure to the tone in a novel context. Context test: exposure to the conditioning context. (B) shGluN2A-injected animals showed similar freezing behavior during the conditioning session compared to shsc-injected rats (p = 0.6722, unpaired t test). (C) There was no difference in freezing behavior between control and shGLUN2A-injected animals in the tone test (p = 0.8537, unpaired t test). (D) shGLUN2A-injected rats showed a significant decrease in freezing expression during the context test (*p < 0.05, unpaired t test). Data are represented as mean ± SEM. N = 9 shsc-injected, N = 11 shGLUN2A-injected animals.