Table 1.
Antibodies and lectins used, with species of elaboration, dilution, manufacturer, and catalogue number.
Ab/lectin* | 1st Ab/lectin species and dilution | 1st Ab/lectin catalogue number | 2nd Ab kit (catalogue number) |
Anti-Gαo | Rabbit 1:100 |
Sta Cruz Biotechnology SC-387 |
ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-Gαi2 | Rabbit 1:100 |
Sta Cruz Biotechnology SC-7276 |
ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-GFAP | Rabbit 1:400 | Dako Z0334 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-Calbindin | Rabbit 1:5000 | Swant CB38 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-GAP-43 | Mouse 1:400–1:4000 | Sigma G9264 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Mouse IgG Reagent MP-6402-15 |
Anti-Calretinin | Rabbit 1:5000 | Swant 7697 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
Anti-LHRH | Rabbit 1:500 | Fisher Scientific A235481 | ImmPRESS VR HRP Anti-Rabbit IgG Reagent MP-6401-15 |
UEA-I* | 1:10 | Vector L-1060 | Rabbit 1:50 DAKO P289 |
LEA* | 20 μg/ml | Vector B-1175 | Vectastain ABC reagent PK-4000 |
BSI-B4* | 100 μg/ml | Sigma L-2140 | Vectastain ABC reagent PK-4000 |
Gαo: subunit αo of G protein; Gαi2: subunit αi2 of G protein; OMP: olfactory marker protein; MAP-2: microtubule associated protein-2; GAP-43: growth-associated protein 43; GFAP: glial fibrillary acidic protein; CB: calbindin; CR: calretinin; LHRH: luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone; UEA: Ulex europaeus agglutinin; LEA: Lycopersicum esculentum agglutinin; BSI-B4: Bandeiraea simplicifolia isolectin B4; HRP: horseradish peroxidase; IgG: Immunoglobulin G; ABC: avidin–biotin-complex.
The lectins employed are indicated by an asterisk (*).