(A) Kinetic host range of the cocktail PM-399 and the 3 constituent ε2-phages PM4, PM93 and PM56 relative to the panel of 110 S. aureus strains. Two repetitions were measured, of which the average and standard deviation is shown. (B) Increase in Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) over 21 rounds of passaging for PM-399, vancomycin, rifampicin and the mix of vancomycin + rifampicin on S. aureus CC30-ST39-MRSA-II-ATCC43300. (†): In some passaging rounds, an MIC of 0 was measured for the PM-399 cocktail (i.e., no bacterial growth even without adding phage), which indicates that phages from the previous round of passaging were carried over. In these cases, the experiment was re-started with wild-type bacteria.