Consumption of a high-iron diet by previously iron-deficient rat dams perturbs iron and copper homeostasis. Blood hemoglobin (Hb) levels (A), serum pPD oxidase activity (B), erythrocyte SOD1 activity (C), hepatic nonheme iron content (D), and hepatic copper concentrations (E) were assessed in dams fed diets varying in iron concentration for ~3.5 weeks during pregnancy and lactation. One-way ANOVA analysis results are as follows: pPD oxidase activity (B), p = 0.0023; hepatic nonheme Fe content (D), p = 0.0038; hepatic Cu content (E), p = 0.0022. When statistically significant differences were noted by one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test was utilized to make comparisons between individual groups. Values without common superscript letters are statistically different from one another (p < 0.05). (B,D,E). All data points are shown, and the mean values are indicated by “+” signs.