Analysis of differentially phosphorylated peptides in mlk1/3/4 mutants at ZT12. A, size-proportional Venn diagram of proteins which show increased, decreased, or both increased and decreased abundance of identified phosphosites in mlk1/3/4 mutant seedlings at ZT12. Numbers indicate unique phosphoproteins. Analysis of phosphoproteins that show increased (B) or decreased (C) in abundance in the mlk1/3/4 mutant seedlings background at ZT12. Treemap representations of biological process GO category enrichment are shown. The box size correlates to the −log10 p-value of the GO-term enrichment. Boxes with the same color indicate related GO-terms and correspond to the representative GO-term which is found in the upper-left of each box. REVIGO was used to eliminate redundant GO-terms with a dispensability value ≥0.5. ZT 12, Zeitgeber 12; ZT 14, Zeitgeber 14.