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. 2021 Apr 1;57(4):325. doi: 10.3390/medicina57040325

Table 4.

The frequency of items investigating the changes in clinical practice.

Items N (%) 1
During the pandemic, we followed up pregnant women who missed mandatory tests in the prenatal consultation (double genetic test, 12–14 weeks; TTGO, 24–28 weeks; morphological ultrasound, 19–24 weeks, etc.) due to fear of infection with COVID-19. 2.85 ± 0.91
never 7 (7.40%)
rarely 26 (27.70%)
sometimes 35 (37.20%)
often 26 (27.70%)
always 0
During the pandemic, we changed the way of tracking pregnant women and childbirth assistance by increasing the percentage of private follow-up due to the decrease in outpatient activity in the hospital. 2.79 ± 1.07
never 15 (16.0%)
rarely 21 (22.30%)
sometimes 27 (28.70%)
often 30 (31.90%)
always 1 (1.10%)
During the pandemic, caesarean section was preferred for pregnant women suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 to ensure the protection of staff, by reducing the duration of exposure (4–12h, natural birth vs. 1–2h, caesarean section). 3.65 ± 1.10
never 6 (6.40%)
rarely 9 (9.60%)
sometimes 16 (17.0%)
often 44 (46.80%)
always 19 (20.20%)
During the pandemic, caesarean section was preferred in pregnant women suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 due to the specific maternal risk associated with it (dyspnoea due to maternal respiratory phenomena that would make expulsion difficult). 3.65 ± 1.10
never 15 (16.0%)
rarely 16 (17.0%)
sometimes 18 19.10%)
often 33 (35.10%)
always 12 (12.80%)
During the pandemic, caesarean section was preferred in pregnant women suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 because there are serious cases in which the pregnancy had to be completed immediately. 2.79 ± 1.30
never 21 (22.30%)
rarely 18 (19.10%)
sometimes 25 (26.60%)
often 20 (21.30%)
always 10 (10.60%)
During the pandemic, caesarean section was preferred in pregnant women suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 due to the patient’s stress related to childbirth. 2.27 ± 1.15
never 33 (35.10%)
rarely 22 (23.40%)
sometimes 21 (22.30%)
often 17 (18.10%)
always 1 (1.10%)
In the conditions in which communication with the relatives was reduced (compared to the non-COVID-19 period), additional stress was identified in the patient (with panic phenomena, lack of cooperation, aggression). 2.99 ± 0.88
never 5 (5.30%)
rarely 20 (21.3%0)
sometimes 42 (44.7%0)
often 25 (26.6%0)
always 2 (2.10%)
Given the reduced communication with the relatives (compared to the non-COVID-19 period), additional stress of the relatives was identified (with panic phenomena, lack of cooperation, aggression). 2.16 ± 0.67
never 4 (4.30%)
rarely 20 (21.3%)
sometimes 32 (34.0%)
often 35 (37.20%)
always 3 (3.20%)

1 Number of answers (N) and percentage (%).