C. minuta DSM33407 modulates lipid metabolism in a diet-induced obesity mouse model. Fecal triglyceride (A) and free fatty acid (B) levels after 40 days of treatment (n = 10). Hepatic triglyceride (C) and free fatty acid (D) levels after 40 days of treatment (n = 10). (E) Hepatic gene expression analysis relative to NC-Veh control after 50 days of treatment (n = 5). Fold change values of Gck (F), Slc2a4 (G), and Fasn (H). Key: TG, Triglycerides; FFA, Free fatty acids. Statistics: (A–C) Mann–Whitney U test, (D) unpaired t-test; (F, G, and H) one-way ANOVA followed by two-stage linear step-up procedure of Benjamini, Kriger, and Yekutieli. * p < 0.05, **** p < 0.0001.