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. 2021 Apr 6;9(4):391. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9040391

Table 3.

Menkes Disease Symptoms.

Birth and Neonatal Period Enzyme Deficiency Comments
Preterm AOC (histaminase) One-third before 37 weeks
Premature rupture of fetal membranes LOX
Weight - One-third less than 2500 g 
Length -
Head circumference -
Apgar score - Quick test at 1 and 5 min, in rare cases, also 10 min after birth
Denver scale - Developmental score for milestones in young children according to age
Bayley score - Cognitive, language, and motor developmental infants and toddlers score
Hydrops fetalis LOX Severe swelling (oedema)
Intrauterine growth retardation LOX, SUMF1 Small for gestational age
Decreased fetal movements -
Neonatal onset - Rarely recognized before hair changes at 2–3 month
Neonatal death -
Early death - Usually before three years
Failure to thrive -
Feeding difficulties DBH, LOX Poor sucking and swallowing
Floppy infant COX, LOX
Poor head control COX
Dysautonomy DBH
Infantile spasms COX Shivers or a small jerks in series
Irritability DBH, PAM, SUMF1
Babinski reflex DBH, PAM, SUMF1 Upward movement of the big toe sign of pyramidal dysfunction
Anxiety DBH, PAM, SUMF1
Increased response to noise DBH, PAM, SUMF1
Lethargy DBH, PAM, SUMF1 Decreased alertness
Respiratory distress LOX, SOD3
Icterus/jaundice CP, LOX Photo therapy resistant
External features
- Head and neck
Face lacking in expression DBH Low mimic
Pallor TYR Light skin color
Hypertelorism LOX, SUMF1 Widely spaced eyes
Nystagmus DBH, LOX, TYR Difficulty in controlling eye movements
Blepharophimosis LOX Narrowing of eye opening
Photophobia AOC, TYR Light intolerance
Keratitis AOC, LOX Cornea inflammation
Conjunctivitis AOC, LOX Eye inflammation
Ptosis DBH, LOX Droopy eyelids
Miosis DBH Excessive constriction of pupils
High arched (cupid) eyebrows LOX, SUMF1
Ophthalmoplegia DBH, LOX
Cherubic appearance LOX, SUMF1
Microcephaly LOX, SUMF1 <2 SD for age
Brachycephaly LOX, SUMF1
Frontal bossing LOX, SUMF1
Occipital bossing LOX, SUMF1
Long philtrum LOX, SUMF1
High forehead LOX, SUMF1
High-arched palate LOX, SUMF1
Small chin LOX, SUMF1
Pudgy cheeks SUMF1
Flat central face LOX, SUMF1
Depressed nasal bridge LOX, SUMF1
Nasal congestion LOX
Hypoplastic mandibles LOX, SUMF1
Micrognathia LOX, SUMF1
Retrognathia LOX, SUMF1
Drooping jaws SUMF1
Low set ears LOX, SUMF1
Large ears LOX, SUMF1
Occipital exostoses LOX Calcified exostoses palpable from occiput, uncommon
Internal jugular phlebectasia LOX
- Chest
Pectus excavatum LOX
Pectus carinatum LOX
Neurological symptoms
Corpus callosum agenesis SUMF1 Absence of brain structure that connects the two hemispheres
Dysautonomia DBH
Cerebellar hypoplasia LOX
Mental retardation COX, PAM, SOD1
Motor retardation COX, PAM, SOD1
Loss of milestones - Progressive neurologic defects
Hypothermia DBH, PAM Subnormal body temperature
Hypoglycemia DBH, PAM Subnormal sugar values
Nasal congestion DBH
West syndrome COX Epileptic encephalopathy
Seizures COX Refractory and early onset
Clonic seizures COX
Myoclonic seizures COX
Tonic seizures COX
Motor dysfunction DBH
Ataxia DBH, PAM, SOD1, SUMF1
Spasticity COX
Hypertonia DBH
Hypotonia DBH
Eye symptoms
Cataract LOX
Myopia LOX
Nystagmus DBH, LOX, TYR Difficulty in controlling eye movements
Strabismus TYR
Blepharophimosis LOX Narrowing of eye opening
Photophobia AOC, TYR Light intolerance
Keratitis AOC, LOX Cornea inflammation
Conjunctivitis AOC, LOX
Ptosis DBH, LOX Droopy eyelids
Miosis DBH Excessive constriction of pupils
Reduced visual acuity TYR
Optic discs palor TYR
Optic atrophy TYR Abnormal electroretinogram (ERG)
Visual loss TYR Visual evoked potential (VIP)
Retinal and iris depigmentation TYR
Iris trans-luminescence TYR
Iris microcysts SUMF1, TYR
Hypopigmented fundus TYR Fundoscopy
Ear symptoms
Hearing loss LOX, PAM, TYR Brain stem auditory evoked potential (BAEP)
Hair and skin symptoms
Fine, silvery and brittle hair AOC, TYR, SUMF1 Short, stubby, friable
Depigmented scalp hair TYR, SUMF1 Lusterless, silvery, steel wool
Sparse hair AOC, SUMF1 Rubbing against pillow may feel like unshaven stubbles
Alopecia AOC, SUMF1 Lack of hair
Fetal hair may be unaffected - Soft
Pili torti SUMF1 Hair twisted about their own axis
Trichorhexis nodosa SUMF1 Frying and splitting of hair ends
Monilethrix SUMF1 Varying diameters of the shafts
Cupid eyebrows LOX, SUMF1 Eyebrows with a high arch
Sparse eyebrows AOC, SUMF1 Look like old man’s eyebrows
Sparse eyelashes AOC, SUMF1 Breaks easily
Seborrhea AOC, SUMF1 Dry and scaly skin
Erythroderma AOC, SUMF1 Generalized exfoliative dermatitis with redness and scaling
Cutis laxa HEPHL1, LOX Lax and wrinkled skin may give a progeria like appearance
Pale skin PAM, TYR Almost like an albino
Anhydrosis DBH, LOX Inability to sweat normally
Doughy skin LOX Swelling of subcutaneous tissue
Lymphedema LOX Swelling due to poor lymphatic system
Hyperplastic gums LOX Prominent gums
Dental abnormalities LOX
Enamel defects LOX
Delayed eruption LOX
Biconically shaped incisors LOX
Lung symptoms
Acute respiratory distress syndrome AOC, LOX, SOD3, SUMF1
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease AOC, LOX, SOD3, SUMF1
Emphysema LOX, SOD3, SUMF1 Damaged air sacs (alveoli) with breathing difficulty
Cardiovascular symptoms
Congenital heart disease COX, LOX About 5%
Angiopathy AOC, APP, LOX, SOD3 Disease of arteries, veins, and capillaries
Tortuous blood vessels LOX Twisted with frayed and split inner walls
Bleeding tendency FV+VIII, LOX
Mild coagulation deficiency FV+VIII
Hematomas LOX
Subdural hematomas LOX
Intracranial hemorrhage LOX
Cephalohematomas LOX Prevalent at birth
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Chronic diarrhea AOC
Vomiting AOC
Bowel dysfunction AOC
Gastrointestinal polyps LOX
Hiatal hernia LOX
Hepatic symptoms
Hepatomegaly COX, SOD1, SUMF1 Low hepatic copper gives low enzymatic activity
Icterus CP, ATP7B Yellowish color of skin and eyes
Steatosis COX, SOD1 Fatty liver
Genitourinary symptoms
Bladder diverticula LOX
Bladder rupture LOX
Ureteral obstruction LOX
Glomerulonephritis LOX
Urinary tract infection LOX
Vesico-ureteral reflux LOX
Hydronephrosis LOX Partial urinary tract blockage
Diaphragmatic hernia LOX
Umbilical hernias LOX
Inguinal hernia LOX
Cryptorchidism LOX, SUMF1 Undescended t esticles
Connective tissue symptoms
Loose/hypermobile joints LOX
Tortuous vessels LOX
Wrinkled and loose/extensible skin LOX
Soft skin / edema LOX
Musculoskeletal symptoms
- Skeletal—neck and chest
Cervical spine anomalies LOX Mimics non-accidental lesions
Short, broad clavicles LOX
Flaring of the ribs LOX
Short, broad ribs LOX
Pectus excavatum LOX Sunken breastbone
Pectus carinatum LOX Protruding breastbone; “pigeon chest”
- Skeletal—limbs
Congenital bone fractures LOX Symmetrical uncommon in “battered child”/NAI
Long-bone fractures LOX
Metaphyseal spurring LOX Can resemble scurvy
Diaphyseal periosteal reaction LOX
Cortical thickening LOX
Short humeri LOX
- Skeletal—others
Wormian bones LOX Intrasutural supernumerary bones, not found in child abuse
Spondylolysis LOX, SUMF1 Fractures of vertebra
Osteroporosis LOX, SUMF1 Brittle bones
Osteopenia LOX, SUMF1
Cartilage malformation LOX, SUMF1
Joint laxity LOX
Limb dislocations LOX
Metaphyseal widening LOX
Osteochondrodysplasia LOX, SUMF1
Occipital horn exostoses LOX Uncommon in MNK, but can be observed from 2 years
- Muscles
Motor neuron disease SOD1, LOX
Investigations Activity measured
MR MRI and MRA Neuroimaging Magnetic Resonance and computerized tomography; cerebral atrophy, cortical areas of low density, diffuse cerebral and cerebellar volume loss, white-matter, and basal ganglia changes
CT Neuroimaging
EEG Brain activity Hypsarrhythmia, diffuse, multifocal spike activity
Radiography Bone Symmetrical metaphyseal flaring and spurring of ribs, and cervical fractures may mimic non-accidental trauma, but these are not symmetrical; skull wormian bones are not seen in child abuse
Arteriography Vasculature Elongated and tortuous cerebral and systemic vessels
Ultrasonography Bladder, bowel Diverticulae and polyps
Light Microscopy Hair examination Pili torti, trichorexis nodosa, monilethrix
Echocardiography Heart Heart murmur
ERG Electroretinogram Optic atrophy
VIP Visual evoked potential Loss of vision; retinal and macular degeneration
Fundoscopy Eye background, macula Hypopigmented
BAEP Brain stem auditory evoked potential Hearing loss
Cell culture Radioactive copper test Increased accumulation and retention
Tissue copper ICPMS; AA Increased in CVS, placenta, muscle; liver low
Boy ATP7A X-linked
Family history of male infant death ATP7A X-linked
Hyperbilirubinemia ATP7B Transient, but prolonged and light therapy resistant
Low plasma copper ATP7A Diagnostic from 4–6 weeks
Low free Cu ATP7A Diagnostic from birth
Low ceruloplasmin CP Diagnostic from 4–6 weeks
High RBC (Red Blood Cells) Cu SOD1 Erythrocyte SOD1 in neonates
Anemia HEPH, CP May be hypochrome
Neutropenia LOX Decreased neutrophils
Thromboembolism FV+VIII Blood clot breaking loose and plugs other vessels
Urinary Cu low to normal ATP7A MT
Low liver Cu ATP7A Diagnostic from birth
High placenta Cu ATP7A Diagnostic from birth; CVS diagnostic prenatally
High metallothionein levels ATP7A MT1 and MT2 (diagnostic?)
Plasma DA/NE ratio increased DBH Diagnostic from birth
Urinary HVA/VMA ratio increased DBH Diagnostic from birth
Hypoglycemia SUMF1, PAM, DBH Transient
High blood lactate COX CSF, intermittent
Pyruvate COX Intermittent
Hyperammoniemia COX Intermittent
High plasma glutamic acid COX Intermittent, alpha-ketogluterate conversion
Respiratory chain deficiencies COX Indicative
Intracellular Cu accumulation ATP7A Diagnostic, tissue culture
Molecular screening of ATP7A ATP7A Definitive diagnosis
Purkinje cell pathologies SOD1 Faulty arborization and “weeping willow”
Ragged red fibers COX Subsarcolemmal aggregates of mitochondria in muscle fiber
Alder Reilly anomaly SUMF1 Vacuolization of blood cells; observed in GAG deficiencies
Metachromasia SUMF1 Color staining change of accumulated tissue sugar sulfatides
Pili torti SUMF1 Hair twisted about their own axis
Trichorhexis nodosa SUMF1 Frying and splitting of hair ends
Monilethrix SUMF1 Varying diameters of the shafts
Differential diagnosis:
NAI LOX Non-accidental injuries; >10% symmetric changes think MNK
Osteogenesis imperfecta LOX Brittle bones and bone dysplasias
Mitochondrial disorder COX Compromised energy production affecting all organs and tissues
Organic acid uria COX Defective mitochondrial matrix metabolism
Cutis laxa LOX Loose and wrinkled skin in an infant
Progeria LOX, SUMF1 Old age syndrome in young people
Syndromes with hair abnormalities SUMF1, AOC
Glutamine defects COX Defective mitochondrial matrix metabolism
MSD SUMF1 Multiple sulfatase deficiency
MPS SUMF1 Mucopolysaccaridoses
MLP SUMF1 Mucolipidoses
Leukodystrophy SUMF1 E.g., metachromatic leukodystrophy
DBH deficiency, congenital DBH CNS Cu deficiency