Figure 4.
Intermediate carry-over effects of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation on standing ability. (a) (i) Trajectories of the center of pressure in anterior–posterior and medial–lateral directions recorded during 30 s of normal standing with eyes open in B1 and assessments I1 and I2 of Inter; participant 10. Group results in B1 and Inter of postural sway during (ii) normal standing and (iii) Romberg’s test for 30 s with eyes open and eyes closed as indicated. (b) Difference in weight distribution (percentage of body weight) between lower extremities during 30 s of normal standing with eyes open shown for B1 and Inter. B1, baseline assessment conducted ~24 h pre-intervention; Base, baseline evaluation; Inter, evaluation of intermediate carry-over effects comprising two assessments conducted immediately (I1) and two hours (I2) post-intervention. All group results are illustrated by box plots. Bold horizontal lines within boxes are medians; boxes span the interquartile range. Whiskers extend to the lowest and largest values that are neither outliers (illustrated as circles) nor extreme values (asterisks). Bracket and asterisk denote significant results of post-hoc pairwise comparisons (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.001).