Figure 2.
The structure of endolithic and biological soil crusts (BSCs) microbial communities based on the V3-V4 region of 16S rDNA. The sample groups’ IDs include the first letter of the rock type; the second letter was given according to the localization (GB—granite Bulunkul, PB—pegmatite Bulunkul, LB—limestone Bulunkul, QB—quartzite Bulunkul, LR—limestone Rangkul, GR—granite Rangkul, CR—calcite Rangkul, CmR—conglomerate Rangkul, GK—granite Karakul, QK—quartzite Karakul, KK—kaolinite Karakul, AK—amphibolite Karakul, DK—diorite Karakul, RK—regolith Karakul, B_BSC—from Bulunkul, R-BSC—from Rangkul, K_BSC—from Karakul). The dendrogram was made on the basis of the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity and the UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) method. The plot also includes rare reads of chloroplasts representing eukaryotic algae.