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. 2021 Apr 14;10(8):1681. doi: 10.3390/jcm10081681

Table 1.

Term, late preterm and early preterm delivery in deliveries with placental problems and PIH and in fertile, ART-treated and ART subgroups.

Condition or Treatment Total Term LPTB EPTB
N % N % N % N %
Total 218,320 100.00 204,207 93.54 10,662 4.88 3451 1.58
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) 25,172 100.00 21,627 85.92 2469 9.81 1076 4.27
Abruptio placentae 2511 100.00 1602 63.80 433 17.24 476 18.96
Placenta previa 1677 100.00 1247 74.36 320 19.08 110 6.56
Vasa Previa 117 100.00 49 41.88 57 48.72 11 9.40
Placenta accreta 1128 100.00 982 87.06 93 8.24 53 4.70
Placenta Problems
(Composite of abruptio placentae, placental previa, vasa previa, placenta accreta)
5277 100.00 3810 72.20 853 16.16 614 11.64
Fertility Group
Fertile 204,438 100.00 191,779 93.81 9621 4.71 3038 1.49
ART 13,882 100.00 12,428 89.53 1041 7.50 413 2.98
Fresh 10,787 100.00 9685 89.78 789 7.31 313 2.90
Frozen 2941 100.00 2612 88.81 235 7.99 94 3.20
Autologous egg 12,633 100.00 11,353 89.87 918 7.27 362 2.87
Donor egg 1248 100.00 1074 86.06 123 9.86 51 4.09
ICSI 2 5050 100.00 4527 89.64 378 7.49 145 2.87
No ICSI 1 5887 100.00 5285 89.77 428 7.27 174 2.96

1 LPTB = Late preterm birth; EPTB = Early preterm birth; 2 Includes fresh and combo fresh + frozen cycles.