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. 2021 Apr 14;18(8):4148. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18084148

Table 5.

Mean differences (%) and effect sizes (ES; ± CL) of the technical-tactical actions encountered by soccer players for each playing position and for all players between the 1-4-2-3-1 and 1-4-4-2 diamond playing formations.

Mean Differences (%) ES Mean Differences (%) ES Mean Differences (%) ES Mean Differences (%) ES Mean Differences (%) ES Mean Differences (%) ES Mean Differences (%) ES
GV 3.3 0.1 13.7 0.60 S 46.6 1.78 L ** 37.7 1.18 M * 70.0 2.30 VL ** 32.7 0.62 M 25.0 0.60 M *
IT −2.9 0.04 −13.3 0.20 45.2 0.65 M - - - - - - 5.6 0.08
DV −0.35 0.35 S −5.0 0.14 5.7 0.14 62.8 0.93 M * 33.7 0.49 S 31.5 0.36 S 22.6 0.39 S
IN 10.8 0.14 3.8 0.08 16.4 0.32 S 46.9 0.52 S 209.3 2.07 VL ** 100.6 0.96 M 43.0 0.47 S
OPIN 1.6 0.04 −5.8 0.09 25.6 0.35 S 62.6 0.78M 109.6 1.40 L 66.7 1.4 L 17.8 0.32 S
CL 7.7 0.11 4.1 0.07 26.4 0.32S 40.1 0.51S - - 43.3 0.60 S 9.2 0.10
OV 4.5 0.12 19.1 0.73 M * 72.8 1.79 L ** 24.0 0.65 M 56.4 1.90 L * 28.4 0.53 S 16.3 0.37 S **
TP 5.5 0.15 18.8 0.71 M * 63.0 1.90 L ** 36.7 1.03 M * 49.1 1.86 L * 20.5 0.39 S 22.1 0.51 M **
LP −16.8 0.32 S 13.8 0.27 S 27.8 0.69 M ** 105.3 0.89 M 24.9 0.30 S 29.7 0.43 S 4.1 0.06
SMP 13.4 0.29 S 18.0 0.59 S 68.7 1.84 L ** 33.1 0.95 M 53.3 1.83 L * 17.0 0.30 S 24.4 0.53 M **
FP 7.7 0.18 20.6 0.83 M * 62.7 1.80 L** 36.0 0.88 M 41.7 1.62 L * 4.1 0.06 24.3 0.42 S *
AZP −36.0 0.50 S 15.3 0.20 74.0 0.59 S −43.8 0.78 M 4.0 0.09 7.5 0.12 −7.0 0.08
GS −5.6 0.11 - - −6.5 0.16 14.9 0.23 S −16.2 0.40 S 55.2 0.75 M −14.6 0.36 S
CR - - −10.6 0.17 30.9 0.29 S −30.8 0.89 M 194.3 2.53 VL - - −5.6 0.09
DR - - 13.9 0.24 S −10.2 0.20 −50.5 0.85 M 28.4 0.35 S 28.8 0.38 S −0.3 0.01

Note: ES: effect size; CD: central defenders; WD: wide defenders; CM: central midfielders; WM: wide midfielders; OM: offensive midfielders; FW: forwards; GV: game volume; IT: ratio interceptions-turnover; DV: defensive. Volume; IN: interceptions; OPIN: opposing pitch interceptions; CL: clearances; OV: offensive volume; TP: total pass; LP: long pass; SMP: short-medium pass; FP: forward. pass; AZP: attack zone pass; GS: goal shot; CR: crosses; DR: dribbles. Standardized effect size thresholds: S: small; M: moderate; L: large; VL: very large. * Significant level set at p < 0.05; ** Significant level set at p < 0.01.