Activation of AMPK by AICAR decreases TP63 and increases IRS-1, and over-expression of tuberin resulted in decreased TP63 expression. MCT cells were treated with AICAR (2mM) or transfected with DN-AMPK. (A) AICAR treatment abolished TP63 expression significantly in NG and HG, while IRS-1 expression was decreased in NG and increased in HG. (B) AICAR treatment increased the expression of both p-AMPK and AMPK significantly. (C) AICAR treatment downregulated HIF1a expression in NG, and the expression of tuberin was downregulated significantly in both NG and HG. (D) DN-AMPK transfection significantly downregulated TP63 expression and increased IRS-1 expression. (E) DN-AMPK treatment downregulated expression of p-AMPK. (F) DN-AMPK transfection increased the expression of HIF1a greatly and significantly downregulated the expression of tuberin under both NG and HG conditions. (G,H) Histogram of the average expression of each protein presented as an arbitrary unit was calculated from each protein and normalized by GAPDH from 2 Western blots. (I,J) The overexpression of tuberin resulted in significant decreases in TP63 and greatly increased IRS-1 expression compared to non-infected cells under NG and HG conditions. In contrast, HIF1a is significantly downregulated with the overexpression of tuberin and increased with the siRNA-tuberin treated cells compared to non-infected cells under NG and HG conditions. (K,L) The average expression of each protein presented as an arbitrary unit was calculated from each protein and normalized by GAPDH from 2 Western blots.